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🧶 Calling all Crafters! Craftsy has an incredible Halloween offer that will take your crafting skills to the next level! Right now, Craftsy has their 1 Year premium membership for Only $1.49! Originally $123! BUT, if you stay on the the page for a few seconds, the price automatically drops all the way down to ONLY $0.75!! That is over 99% savings! And less than $0.06 Each Month!
Whether you love baking, knitting, quilting, or painting, Craftsy gives you all the tools you need to be inspired! Your premium membership includes acces to over 20 craft categories and over 2,000 premium online classes! Plus, you will receive access to exclusive live online streaming events, weekly newsletters, online instructions, downloadable resources and more! Even better, you can share your membership with 3 of your friends! All this for only $0.99! And you can cancel anytime!
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Craftsy 1-Year Premium Membership ONLY $0.75! (Reg $123)
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🧶 Calling all Crafters! Craftsy has an incredible Halloween offer that will take your crafting skills to the next level! Right now, Craftsy has their 1 Year premium membership for Only $1.49! Originally $123! BUT, if you stay on the the page for a few seconds, the price automatically drops all the way down to ONLY $0.75!! That is over 99% savings! And less than $0.06 Each Month!
Whether you love baking, knitting, quilting, or painting, Craftsy gives you all the tools you need to be inspired! Your premium membership includes acces to over 20 craft categories and over 2,000 premium online classes! Plus, you will receive access to exclusive live online streaming events, weekly newsletters, online instructions, downloadable resources and more! Even better, you can share your membership with 3 of your friends! All this for only $0.99! And you can cancel anytime!